1 bag of blown attic insulation = 15.625ft3
each bag weighs an average of 25lbs.
To figure how many bags are needed, the size of the cavity to fill must be determined in cubic feet, for attics this doesn't have to be exact, but the more that is blown in, the better the thermal resistance will be. Usually we recommend 12-18 inches of full coverage in attic spaces. If the attic space is 40' by 20' and 12 inches of full coverage is desired then the calculation would be as follows:
Therfore, 52 bags of 'Attic' are needed.
When we figure the number of bags of insulation needed for walls we figure it based upon the the unsettled or 'blown' density of 2 lbs / ft3 or 15ft3 / bag. For a wall that is 8' x 12' x 6" thick your calculation would be as follows:
So, 4 bags of 'Wallspray' are needed.
Mountain Fiber Insulation manufactures cellulose insulation for bulk orders shipped by freight, we can't provide 'per bag' prices because the price greatly varies based on the fluctuation of freight costs, and the amount ordered. Typically our insulation is sold by the pallet, each pallet containing 44 compressed bags, each bag containing approximately 25-30 lbs of insulation (depending on the type of insulation ordered). For the best price, after freight is considered, it is preferable to order in quantities of 28 pallets (1232 bags) which is a full (53') trailer.
When ordering keep in mind that each pallet should contain only one type of insulation, if ordering odd quantities (e.g. 24 1/2 [effectively 25] pallets of 'Super Therm' and 2 1/4 [effectively 3] pallets of 'Attic') the fractional pallets will not be combined. Even though this order only contains 26 3/4 full pallets effectively it contains 28 pallets and this trailer would be considered full and so it could not accommodate another pallet.
We encourage our customers to make full pallet orders as it is easier for us to process. To provide the best value to our customers we also encourage full trailer orders.